Saturday, January 8, 2011


The five nominees in the category of BEST PICTURE for THE SEXIEST® Film Awards are out now.
The winner will be announced this Sunday at the awards show at THE SPICE RACK.

See all the nominated, sexually amazing, movies after the jump!! They are in no particular order.

ENTRY 1 - DICK TASTY (Thorgal McGillivary, Producer)

NOMINEE 2 - LOCK UP (Alyssa Drechsler, Producer)

NOMINEE 3 - La cagna ricca (Aprille Shepherd, Producer)


NOMINEE 4 - A NIGHT WITH CANDI (Candi Mendle & Ruff Brocco, Producers)

NOMINEE 5 - SEX WITH STRANGERS (Pixie Rain, Producer)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the judges for their hard work in making this all possible, and thanks for my nominations.

    Good luck to all nominees in all categories.

    Cya tommorrow!
